Dan Downing, University of Missouri
Dan has over twenty-eight years of service with University of Missouri Extension. Seventeen years of that time have been spent serving in a statewide position with The University of Missouri Extension Water Quality Program. This is a broad-based program disseminating a wide variety of information on issues relating to water. Dan’s programming efforts including: private/public drinking water issues, pesticide, nutrient, bacteria and sediment reduction programming, watershed planning/management, youth water programming, and a host of other water and environmentally related programs. He fills the role of catalyst, encouraging the establishment of locally driven and lead watershed management groups throughout the state. He also provides training and technical support for these groups. Dan holds a B.S. in Agricultural Mechanization and an M.S. in Extension Education from University of Missouri-Columbia.
Dan Downing
MU Extension
Water Quality Associate
205 Ag. Eng.
Columbia, MO 65211
(573) 882-0085