
The North Central Region Water Network is an Extension-led partnership of land-grant colleges and universities who are working together to ensure safe and sufficient water supplies in the the North Central Region of the the United States.

In addition to the 12 land-grant universities that made my up our network, we also partner with federal, state, NGO, and industry partners to increase the scope and positive impact of extension knowledge, resources and programming.

Listed below are several of the multi-state partnerships the North Central Region Water Network participants and leads.

Get in touch with us to learn more about how we work, and how we can work with you to improve our water resources! We use our network to strengthen grand-funded projects that are working to protect our water resources. Our expertise includes:

  • facilitation
  • communication strategy,
  • branding and message testing,
  • project and program evaluation,
  • curriculum development,
  • and watershed leadership training.
Agricultural Conservation Planning Framework
The Agricultural Conservation Planning Framework (ACPF) leverages high-resolution geo-spatial data to help local farming communities better address their soil and water conservation needs. The framework is used in conjunction with local knowledge of water and soil resource concerns, landscape features, and producer conservation preferences to provide a better understanding of the options available in developing a watershed conservation plan.
FEWscapes is a research and engagement project led by scientists and educators at UW-Madison to advance knowledge and support decision-making for food, energy, water, and ecosystem security in the Upper Mississippi River Basin. The team is working to envision a future with thriving agricultural landscapes in the Upper Mississippi River Basin that provide communities greater food, energy, water (FEW for short) and ecosystem security, and that are resilient to climate, economic, and political changes.
Leadership for Midwestern Watersheds
Leadership for Midwestern Watersheds or LMW is a popular forum for professionals who lead projects that reduce agricultural runoff in watersheds of the Upper Mississippi River Basin. Together, we are developing a “community of practice” among conservation practitioners who work to improve water quality with landowners, agencies, and businesses, one watershed at a time.
SERA-46 is Southern Extension and Research Activities committee number 46. It is one of a group of formal USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) and land-grant university funded committees designed to promote multi-state, research and extension activities. SERA-46 brings together researchers and extension specialists, including multiple members of the North Central Region Water Network who share a common interest and expertise related to the environmental, social, and economic factors that contribute to nutrient loss from agricultural lands, state-level nutrient impairments, and hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico.