Nitrogen and phosphorus are important plant nutrients. They are also byproducts of animal agriculture and municipal wastewater treatment. Excess amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus in water negatively impacts humans and the environment. Activities and resources associated with this priority issue support all aspects of nutrient and manure management that lead to the concurrent achievement of agricultural productivity and water quality goals.
Network Webinars
- Conservation Practice Tracking for the Mississippi River Basin
- Decision Support Tools for Nutrient and Sediment Management
- Innovative Approaches to Manure Management
- Land Use of Riparian Ecosystems in the Northern Great Plains
- Manure, Water, and Soil Health
- Nitrogen Management in Tile Drained Landscapes
- System Approaches in Water and Nutrient Management Education
Extension Resources
- Bioreactors, Water Table Management, and Water Quality
- llinois Certified Livestock Management Program
- Illinois Drainage Research and Outreach Program
- Illinois Manure Share
- Illinois Nutrient Management Planning
- Iowa State University Extension’s Dairy Team: Nutrient and Manure Management Resources for Dairy Cows
- Iowa Manure Management Action Group
- Kansas Center for Agricultural Resources and the Environment
- Kansas State University’s Nutrient Planning Reference Guide
- Livestock and Poultry Environmental Stewardship Curriculum
- Manure Management Planner
- Michigan EnviroImpact
- Michigan State University Extension’s Forage Connection
- Midwest Plan Service
- Missouri Dairy Resource App: Manure Management Resources
- Missouri Manure Management Resources
- Missouri Swine Resource Guide: Manure Management Resources
- National Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Center
- Nebraska Crop Watch: Nutrient Management
- NDSU Livestock Environmental Management
- Nutrient Management Tracker
- Ohio State University’s Nutrient Stewardship for Cleaner Water Program
- Purdue Extension’s Agricultural Drainage Resources
- Pork@Purdue Manure Management
- Purdue University’s Soil and Water
- Resources for Nutrient Management Planners
- Transforming Drainage
- University of Illinois Extension’s Manure Central
- University of Minnesota Extension’s Manure Air and Water Quality Resources
- University of Minnesota-Extension Nutrient Management Resources
- University of Wisconsin-Extension Nutrient Management Resources
- UNL Water’s Animal Manure Management Resources
Extension Publications
- Frequently Asked Questions About Subsurface Drainage
- Keeping Land-applied Manure in the Root Zone – Spreading on Frozen and Snow-Covered Ground
- Management Tips for Spring Manure Applications
- Manure Land Application and Soil Health Indicators
- North Dakota Manure Fertilizer Use Recommendations
- Nutrient Management for Livestock Operations
- Ohio Livestock Manure Management Guide
- Partnering to Mitigate Harmful Algal Blooms in the North Central Region of the United States
- Synthesis of Short and Long-term Studies Reporting Soil Quality Metrics under Agricultural and Municipal Biosolid Applications
- Ten Ways to Reduce Nitrogen Loads from Drained Croplands in the Midwest
- Using Manure Nutrients for Crop Production
- Winter Manure Application: Management Practices and Environmental Impact
- Winter Manure Literature Review
Additional Resources
- CAFO NPDES Permit Compliance Guide
- CNMP Training for Technical Service Providers
- EPA Agriculture Compliance Assistance Center
- EPA – National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Training
- EPA NPDES Program
- EPA NPDES Program Animal Feeding Operations
- NRCS Animal Feeding Operations
- NRCS Animal Waste Management
- NRCS-Technical Service Provider Certification Information
- Professional Nutrient Applicator Association of Wisconsin