Network Publications

Over the years the North Central Region Water Network has funded and participated in numerous projects ranging in focus from land use to nutrient management and watershed leadership so much more all with an emphasis on water. 

Learn more through our Network publications:

Basics of Conservation Finance: Facilitator’s Guide
A curriculum for training conservation professionals and farm business management educators about the financial considerations of on-farm conservation practices.
The Financial Impacts of Conservation Agriculture: Insights from Analyses of Farms in the Upper Midwest
This booklet aims to inform farmers’ key partners—in particular, farm business management educators, agricultural lenders, and conservation educators and professionals—about the financial costs and benefits of conservation agriculture practices to assist their work with farmers.
Tap Your Potential: A Training to Grow Farmer Leadership in Watershed Management
This curriculum is is a tool for outreach professionals and educators who work in agricultural watersheds to recruit farmers to play a more proactive role in watershed management in their communities.
Interactive Drought Scenario Planning Website
A team of drought professionals from the National Drought Mitigation Center and university extension across the region worked to create an interactive website to guide extension educators, outreach professionals and community development professionals on how to help communities plan for drought through scenario-based exercises.
Building and Equitable and Just Green Infrastructure Strategy in the North Central Region
This whitepaper is aimed at helping communities adopt green infrastructure practices to address climate in a way that addresses social equity and environmental justice. To do so the paper highlights recommendations for future Network programming, land use planning tools, suggested research, and future funding mechanisms to build on current Extension and Sea Grant programming.
Fostering and Facilitating Farmer Leadership in Watershed Management Projects: A Needs Assessment
The Mississippi and Atchafalaya River Basins (MARB) Watershed Leadership Network produced a needs assessment of training and programs to cultivate leadership among farmers and farm advisors in promoting and implementing practices that reduce nitrogen and phosphorus loading to waterways in the Basin.
Online Stormwater Practices and Maintenance Core Curriculum
The Stormwater Practices Core Curriculum is a five-module online tool to address stormwater management education for early career professionals. The SWCC ultimately aids stormwater professionals and educators in improving and optimizing their stormwater operations.
Partnering to Mitigate Harmful Algal Blooms in the North Central Region of the United States
This whitepaper was created to document the next steps to address Extension needs related to harmful algal blooms. To do so this whitepaper documents existing responses to HABs related issues, outreach programming needs in the North Central Region, and developed recommendations for strengthening research and outreach efforts.
Successful Watershed Management in the Midwest: Getting to Scale 
This whitepaper was created with support from the Environmental Defense Fund to help watershed management systems to scale up across the Midwest. To do so this paper proposes a primary unit of watershed management that can be scaled up and sustained over time, articulates the necessary elements to foster and support the scale-up efforts, and proposes actionable strategies for operationalizing the scale-up effort.
Ten Ways to Reduce Nitrate Loss from Drained Lands
The Ten Ways outreach kit made up of the four pieces above allow for anyone to access and learn about ways to reduce nitrogen loss. These ways can help in a variety of land and water management situations

Youth water education: Programs and potential in the American Midwest
The Network’s youth working group has published a comprehensive evaluation of the programs and initiatives being conducted to educate youth on water throughout the region and compare those to best-practices for effective youth programming to make evidence-based recommendations for youth water education.