
Ehsan Ghane, Michigan  State University

Headshot of Ehsan Ghane

Dr. Ehsan Ghane, PhD, is an Associate Professor and Extension Specialist at Michigan State University.  His research and extension interests include water quality and agricultural drainage. Ghane provides education to diverse groups, including producers, drainage contractors and the public. His main research goal is to address agricultural water management issues related to non-point source pollution (i.e., excess nitrogen and phosphorous). He is particularly interested in innovative practices that can reduce nutrient load runoff to surface water and conserve water for crop use. Some of these practices are controlled drainage, saturated buffer, drainage water recycling and denitrification bed (a.k.a. woodchip bioreactor). He is also interested in modeling and simulation of the effects of management practices on water quality.

524 S. Shaw Lane
220 Farrall Hall
East Lansing, MI 48824

Ruth Kline-Robach, Michigan State University

Headshot of Ruth Kline-Robach

Ruth Kline-Robach is an Outreach Specialist with expertise in community-based water resources management issues. For the past 30 years, she has provided training programs and technical assistance related to watershed planning, source water protection, and stormwater management. In addition to teaching two undergraduate courses, Ruth works with the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy to promote the development of local source water protection programs and coordinates MSU’s federal stormwater permit activities in partnership with communities throughout the Greater Lansing region.

Outreach Specialist
Department of Community Sustainability
Institute of Water Research>Michigan State University