US Forest Service seeks project proposals for $3.7 million to protect the Great Lakes

Funds for tree planting and clean water are available for projects in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, and Wisconsin. Proposals due June 21.

The U.S. Forest Service announced today (April 22) the availability of $3.7 million to support competitive projects in the Great Lakes watershed. Originating through an agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the funds will support successful projects that address invasive species, nonpoint source pollution impacts on nearshore health, and habitat restoration activities that impact water quality in priority watersheds within the Great Lakes basin.

These funds will help communities to mitigate the loss of trees to the emerald ash borer and to filter and slow rain water runoff and associated nutrients and sediments from polluting the lakes. Projects proposals are sought in the following program areas.

· Restore tree canopy lost to infestation by emerald ash borer

· Create or improve green infrastructure through the planting of trees and other vegetation as part of a local management strategy to maintain and enhance urban watersheds

· Restore the structure and function of coastal wetlands and lake-affected riparian areas through planting of native trees and diverse vegetation

For more information, interested applicants can visit the Forest Service website at, or visit The Funding Opportunity Number is: USDA-FS-2016-GLRI