Network to receive UCOWR Education and Public Service Award
The North Central Region Water Network is pleased to announce that we have been selected to receive the Universities Council on Water Resources 2019 Education and Pubic Service Award! Network Director, Rebecca Power, will be traveling to the 2019 UCOWR Annual Water Resources Conference, June 11-13 in Snowbird, Utah to accept the award on behalf of the Network.
The Education and Public Service award recognizes in institutions, individuals, groups, or agencies that have made significant contributions to increase public awareness of water resources development, use, or management covering any one or a combination of the natural, biological, and social sciences.
“We are thrilled to accept this award on behalf of everyone in the network who works tirelessly for our water,” notes Network Director Power. “Since the Network’s inception in 2014, we have made great strides in building university capacity for address our region’s most pressing water-related challenges and expanding the research of water-related extension and research. This would not have been possible without the great work of the Network Leadership Team – we are grateful for all their hard work and dedication.”
The North Central Region Water Network will receive the award alongside another outstanding Extension program, the University of Minnesota’s Onsite Treatment Program (OSTP). The OSTP works to improve wastewater treatment through research-based workshops and outreach to homeowners, small communities, professionals and policy-makers.
The North Central Region Water Network is a 12-state land-grant university extension-led region-wide water-related research, education, and management team for extension professionals and partners.