In the rush to complete harvest, manure application, and winter preparations, small mistakes and accidents can result in major downtime, expense and increased liability. This month’s webcast focuses on reducing the risk—learn from a dragline manureRead More...
This event is for farmers seeking practical insights on how to make conservation work while keeping their farms profitable – whether you are just curious about conservation or you’ve already gotten started. You will learn fromRead More...
Registrar By 2/7, $30 single day, $40 both days; Registrar After 2/7, $40 single day, $50 both days Registration includes lunch, breaks and social DAY 1 Jimmy Emmonsis an Oklahoma farmer, Soil Health Champion and leadsRead More...
AgroLiquid Conference Center
3055 W. M-21, St. Johns, MI, United States
A Matter of Balance: Conservation Agriculture in Uncertain Times (Bringing Conservation Science to Practice) Modern crop and livestock systems are complex, and the management of these systems requires continuous adaptation and change in practices and strategies.Read More...
This series of Soil & Water Conservation Virtual Field Trips (VFTs), focuses on the conservation benefits our researchers have developed with respect to water quality, irrigation water use, climate change, soil health, profitability, and sustainability throughRead More...
Prairie strips are a practice that more farmers and landowners are using to reintegrate prairie into Iowa's agricultural landscape, providing numerous water quality and wildlife benefits in the process. Join landowner Eric Hoien, Iowa Natural HeritageRead More...
The 7th Annual Soil and Water Conservation Society conference will be held virtually this year. This year’s conference theme, “Expanding Horizons: Where Conservation Meets Innovation,” evokes images of the expansive views of the region and theRead More...
A series for farmers to learn practical ideas from peers and experts Theme: Resource stewardship in hard times This virtual Shop Talk series will be an opportunity to have meaningful conversations with other farmers and expertsRead More...