This webinar will provide an overview of online tools that will allow you to look more closely at both precipitation and temperature at various scales from city to county to state to region to the entireRead More...
The five Great Lakes are currently near or at record levels due to an abundance of precipitation over quite some time but highlighted by extreme rainfall and snow melt over the last few months. Impacts fromRead More...
In this month's presentation our attention will be on: Summarizing recent precipitation and temperature trends over the last few weeks and months Discussing continuing concern of current and future flooding (Missouri, Upper Mississippi, Ohio, Great Lakes,Read More...
COVID-19 has drastically impacted our nation’s people, economy, and politics. Tune in to hear from David Ripplinger of North Dakota State University Extension as he discusses the current social, economic, and political situation as it pertainsRead More...
Learn about two toolkits that support drought monitoring and drought decision-making across the lower 48 states: the Integrated Water Portal and The Climate Toolbox.
Join the North Central Climate Collaborative for their next webinar Conservation Drainage – Managing Water for the Future featuring John McMaine. Tile drainage is widespread throughout the Midwest. As weather patterns continue to shift toward moreRead More...
The NTICC is open to all US tribal nations and Indigenous Peoples from throughout the world, with an emphasis on including our Elders and Youth. The NTICC will convene experts on climate change and will includeRead More...
The focus area for this webinar series is the North Central region of the U.S. (from the Rockies to the Great Lakes and Ohio Valley). These free monthly webinars provide and interpret timely information on current climate and drought conditions, as well as climatic events like El Niño and La Niña.
Expansive Denver
1630 Welton St, 16th St Mall, Denver, CO, United States
The North Central Region Water Network, The First American Land-Grant Consortium (FALCON), and partners from across the North Central Region are hosting a workshop for 1862, 1890, and 1994 land-grant colleagues working on climate and water-relatedRead More...