Calling all water writers!
To all North Central Water Region Network Members:
The Universities Council on Water Resources (UCOWR) has decided to publish a special edition of the Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education (JCWRE) with a focus on informal/non-formal water education and public outreach. JCWRE is a peer-reviewed journal published on Wiley-Blackwell’s Synergy website ( and available to researchers, educators, and policy-makers around the world. Articles published in JCWRE are widely recognized for their concise clarity and relevance to critical water resources issues and principles.
I am writing to ask that you consider submitting a paper for this important publication. We hope to accept 10-12 papers focused on informal water education and research and public outreach efforts.
Please note selected JCWRE guidelines for the articles for your general information. See “AuthorInstructions.docx” or the website,, for additional submission information with respect to the items listed below and requirements for tables, figures, references and the like.
- Papers are to be submitted electronically as Microsoft Word documents (extension .docx) to JCWRE Co-Editor Jackie Crim,, and me,, the issue editor. The publication will be published in December, 2015, so we are on a fairly aggressive timeline.
- Intent to submit: April 27, 2015 (we need lead author name and title)
- Paper submission deadline: July 8, 2015
- Submissions will be reviewed and accepted or rejected by September 2, 2015
- Revised manuscripts will be due: September 30, 2015
- Authors are asked to provide the names and contact information for 3 potential reviewers in their submittal email.
- The manuscript text should be typed double-spaced in Times New Roman size 12 font. The text should be written so that it will be of interest to persons in the wide variety of disciplines represented by UCOWR’s membership. Subheadings in bold should be used.
- Articles average about 8 pages in length as published, 15 pages in manuscript form (without figures and tables).
- The Lead author is required to complete a Copyright Release Form. The form can be found in the PDF document at the top of the page and may be duplicated as needed. The completed forms must be included with your manuscript. Assignment of copyright does not restrict authors in using materials from their paper for future personal use. Our request for copyright transfer is for the purpose of complying with Public Law 94-553 and to protect both UCOWR and the author(s) from unauthorized third-party use. In addition, articles cannot be published on the Blackwell Synergy website without the copyright transfer.
- Titles should properly reflect the contents of the article. The title should be short and informative, and should not exceed 12 words in length.
- An abstract of no more than 250 words and up to 8 keywords must accompany each article. Keywords should not duplicate words that are in the title.
- See the“AuthorInstructions.docx” document or the website,, for important additional submission information.
I hope you will seriously consider submitting a paper for this important publication. It is an outstanding opportunity to share your knowledge and expertise with other educators, researchers, and university administrators. Please don’t hesitate to contact me or Karl Williard, UCOWR Executive Director, if you have any questions. And remember, submissions are due July 8, 2015, but we encourage people to finish and submit their articles as they are preparing their presentations for the 2015 UCOWR/NIWR/CUAHSI conference in mid-June.
Natalie Carroll
Issue Editor, Informal Water Education and Outreach, UCOWR