Following are resources shared by Green Infrastructure Community of Practice representatives from member states in September and October, 2021. This list is designed to give an overview of green infrastructure work in each of our states. This is not an exhaustive list. Unless explicitly stated, Sea Grant and Extension are partners on or observers of these projects. Mention here does not necessarily indicate leadership or even involvement by either Sea Grant or Extension. If you would like more information or to get a contact for a specific project, please reach out to your local Sea Grant or Extension green infrastructure representative. Not sure who that is? Contact Lisa Merrifield.
- Georgia Green Landscape Stewards Program
- University of Georgia Extension
- Martin Wunderly, Area Water Agent
- Low Impact Development Inventory 2022
- Rain Gardens in Coastal Georgia
- Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant, University of Georgia
- Jessica T. R. Brown, Stormwater Specialist
- Bio-infiltration Monitoring
- Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant, University of Georgia
- GMC engineering
- College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, University of Georgia
- Gary L. Hawkins, State Water Specialist
- Calumet Stormwater Collaborative
- Red Oak Rain Garden
- Social media: @RainGardenUIUC
- Eliana Brown
- Layne Knoche
- DuPage County Stormwater
- Social media: @LoveBlueDuPage
- YouTube
- Additional Resources
- Rainscaping Education Program
- Purdue University Extension
- Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant
- Kara Salazar, Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant/Purdue University Extension
- Integrating GI into Multihazard Mitigation Planning
- Extension Disaster Education Network
- Purdue University Extension
- University of Illinois Extension
- Kara Salazar, Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant/Purdue University Extension
- Sara McMillan, Purdue Ag and Biological Engineering, Co Presenter/Co Lead
- One Block at a Time – Neighborhood Resilience
- Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant Programs
- Purdue University Extension
- Kara Salazar, Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant/Purdue University Extension
- Sara McMillan, Purdue Ag and Biological Engineering, Co Presenter/Co Lead
- Marion County Soil and Water Conservation
- John Hazlett, District Manager for Marion County Soil and Water Conservation
- Dry Run Creek Watershed Improvement Project
- Iowa Department of Agriculture Water Quality Initiative Urban Conservation
- Rain Campaign
- Iowa Stormwater Educational Partnership (ISWEP) Resources
- Community Initiatives
- Cedar Falls BMP map
- Additional Resources
- Iowa Department of Natural Resources
- Josh Balk
- Watershed Stewards Academies
- Site Assessments and Action Plans
- Watershed Assistance Collaborative: Capacity Building with Local Governments
- Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professionals (CBLP) Certification Program
- Stormwater Management and Restoration Tracking (SMART) Tool
- Watershed Restoration Assistance Directory
- Education and Behavior Change
- Additional Resources
- Maryland Sea Grant
- Maryland Sea Grant Extension
- UMD Sea Grant Extension and Maryland Watershed Restoration Specialists
- Eric Buehl, Mid and Upper Eastern Shore
- Jennifer Dindinger, Dorchester Co. & Lower Eastern Shore
- Amanda Rockler, Central Maryland
- Jackie Takacs & Nicole Basenbeck, Southern Maryland
- Clean Marina Stormwater Toolkit
- Michael Fraker, MISG
- Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG): Visioning and Planning
- Lake Huron Forever Partnership
- Abby Ertel, Huron Pines
- Center for Great Lakes Literacy (CGLL)
- Meaghan Gass, MSUE/MISG
- Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe
- Additional Resources
- Stormwater Practice Inspection and Maintenance Certification Course
- Minnesota Stormwater Seminar Series
- Green Infrastructure Code Audit
- Minnesota Stormwater Research Council & Minnesota Stormwater Research Program
- John Bilotta, MNSG Underground SW Systems
- Missouri Department of Conservation
- St. Louis Public School Green Schoolyards, The Nature Conservancy
- KC Water, Kansas City, MO
- Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District, St. Louis, MO
- One STL
- Forest Park Lakes
- Additional Resources
- Kaleena Menke, Civil Engineer, Menke Consulting
New York
- Green Infrastructure Retrofit Manual
- Working with Nature Guide
- Erosion Management Guide
- FEMA Cooperating Technical Partners Program, or CTP, Story Maps
- Great Lakes Story map
- In the development process
- Statewide Shoreline Monitoring Framework: NNBF
- Shoreline Contractor Training
- In the development process
- Additional Resources
- New York Sea Grant
- Mary Austerman, Coastal Community Development Specialist
- Kathleen Fallon, Marine Coastal Processes and Hazards Specialist
- Katie Graziano, Coastal Resilience Specialist, Jamaica Bay
- Jessica Kuonen, Hudson Estuary Specialist
- Roy Widrig, Great Lakes Coastal Processes and Hazards Specialist
- Stormwater Management at Marinas in the Great Lakes
- Scott Hardy, OH Sea Grant
- Sarah Orlando, OH Sea Grant
- Coastal Storms Vulnerability Assessment
- Scott Hardy, OH Sea Grant
- Stream and Riparian Buffer Restoration and Conservation
- Multi-municipal Shade Tree Planting Program
- Green Parking Ordinance Development
- CRANE (Community Resilience Action Network of Erie)
- Green Infrastructure Fact Sheets, Pennsylvania Sea Grant
- Additional Resources
- Pennsylvania Sea Grant
- Penn State
- Tom Cermak, Great Lakes Region
- Zach Nemec, Delaware River Region
- Jason Swartz, Susquehanna River Region
- Geodesign to Promote Green Infrastructure for Urban Stormwater Management
- Tackling Barriers to Green Infrastructure: Audits of Local Codes and Ordinances
- Green Infrastructure and Stormwater Improvements at Great Lakes Marinas
- Julia Noordyk, Wisconsin Sea Grant
- Expand Workforce Development Opportunities for Green Infrastructure in Northern Wisconsin
- Natalie Chin, Wisconsin Sea Grant
- Karina Heim
- Nature-Based Shorelines – Options for the Great Lakes
- Equitable Green Infrastructure
- Karina Heim
- Additional Resources
- Wisconsin Sea Grant
- David Hart, Wisconsin Sea Grant