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Preparing for and Adapting to Future Floods with Natural Flood Management

July 14, 2021 @ 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm


Are you curious about opportunities to mitigate flood risks to communities and infrastructure with cost-effective, nature-based solutions?

In this session, participants will learn about Natural Flood Management (NFM) an emerging concept that involves using a combination of multiple practices, in different parts of the watershed, to increase the landscape’s ability to store and manage water. You’ll hear about watershed-scale risk assessments and NFM demonstration projects that are underway in Ashland County to identify infrastructure vulnerabilities and prioritize where flood risks can be minimized through upstream hydrologic restoration actions. The panel will also discuss benefit-cost data, screening tools, infrastructure design approaches, and other resources that can help your community tap into hazard mitigation, disaster recovery, and climate adaptation funding.

Presented by: Kyle Magyera, Wisconsin Wetlands Association; Chris Collier, Trout Unlimited; Jon Simonsen, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources; Robyn Fennig, Wisconsin Emergency Management; Jason Laumann, Northwest Regional Planning Commission; Mary Jo Gingras, Ashland County; Dorothy Tank, Ashland County


July 14, 2021
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
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